Green & White Nights, Senior Nights, & More!
See the schedule for green and white nights, senior nights, and other important happenings in Badin Athletics.
Green & White Night
Green and white nights are an awesome event to get our younger elementary school students to experience a little bit of what a Badin Student Athlete gets to experience. On these nights, all elementary aged students who wear green or white attire earn free admission. Parents must still purchase a ticket.
Senior Nights
Senior Nights are typically held on the last home game of the season. This is a great time to honor our seniors and thank them for their hard work and dedication to their program and to Badin Athletics for the past 4 years. It is also a good time to showcase accomplishments and recognize their future commitments.
Other Events
Red Card Night- Badin Soccer 2024 (2)
Homecoming Parade- See 2024 Homecoming Parade