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Girls Flag Football Jamboree at Paycor Stadium

Girls Flag Football Jamboree at Paycor Stadium

The Inaugural Season of the Girls Flag Football team begins TODAY with an event at Paycor Stadium. The girls will head down to Cincinnati to take part in an incredible event involving schools around the Cincinnati area to participate in some skills training, practice drills, and scrimmages vs other schools.


Our Badin News Network (BNN) crew will be on site grabbing pictures, videos, and interviews with our student athletes!


We are so excited to celebrate your female student athletes on International Women’s Day at the Girls High School Flag Jamboree, presented by Secret on Saturday, March 8th!


  • For real time road closures and traffic updates, we recommend the WAZE app for directions to the stadium.
  • Parking vouchers can be redeemed at LOT D only, parking entrance located off W Pete Rose Way by LOT B entrance. Lot D entrance will be staffed with parking attendant starting at 11:00am.
  • Recommended overflow and paid parking will be in LOT B for $6/car, credit card only, scan the QR code posted on signs in the lot to complete payment before leaving the parking lot. (Enter via W Pete Rose Way)
  • Stair access will be available from parking lots to stadium plaza level/Elm Street. Follow plaza via the north end of the stadium around to Gate A. Parking will be located Northeast of the stadium, but the stadium entrance will be southwest. We apologize for any inconvenience, but with multiple events taking place downtown, parking options will be limited.
  • A drop off location near Gate A will be available in the bus lane off Central Avenue near Mehring Way intersection.
  • Click here for stadium parking map.

*SPECIAL NOTE: The Bockfest 5K will be taking place on Saturday at 10:00am downtown. Rolling road closures around the stadium including Central Avenue and Mehring Way will be in place from 10:00am-11:00am. We recommend using the navigation app, WAZE for real-time road closures. Parking options will be limited, so please use our parking recommendations above if possible. For turn-by-turn directions to recommended parking, please use this link: Directions to Paycor Stadium | Cincinnati Bengals –


  • Gate A will open at 11:30am to athletes, coaches, and family members. The clear bag policy applies to this event. Security will be lenient with athletes/coaches, but all bags are subject to additional searches by security personnel.
  • All attendees will be required to go through metal detectors at the Gate A entrance. Athletes and coaches will need to check-in at tables directly inside the stadium entrance. Wristbands will be distributed, and athletes will receive a Bengals goodie bag with a Bengals branded event shirt and flag belt.
  • Family can be seated in Sections 110/111. Athletes will be permitted on the field for opening remarks.
  • Athletes/Coaches: Please make sure you have already registered for the event and your waiver has been signed prior to arrival. Minors will need parent/guardian permission for participation.
  • Please allow yourself enough time to park and walk to the stadium entrance for check-in. We recommend being parked or dropped off no later than 11:25am to allow yourself enough time. Programming will begin promptly at 12:00pm.
  • Event Timeline:
Time Details
11:30am Gates Open for Check-In
12:00pm Programming Begins/Intros
12:15pm Warm Ups/Skills Clinic
1:00pm Break/Teams get ready for games
1:15pm 5v5 scrimmages
3:15pm Games End/Thank you
3:30pm All guests exit stadium
  • Please Note: No food will be permitted on the field. Water and Gatorade will be provided to athletes on the field for the duration of the event. Boxed lunches will be available (wristband required) for both athletes and coaches only near the Jungle Bar inside Gate A entrance. Boxed lunches can be enjoyed at the tables near the Jungle Bar or can be taken to Section 110/111. Only 1 boxed lunch per person please.


  • Please dress for the weather! This event is rain or shine.
  • Athletic trainers from Kettering Health will be on-site. They will be located on the field under the Bengals tent.
  • Concessions will not be open for this event.
  • Field access will be limited to athletes, coaches, and media only (wristbands required).

